
TypographySatoshi is a modernist sans serif typeface. Its design combines typically grotesk-style letterforms, with some characters that are quite geometrically-designed. Satoshi was designed by Deni Anggara for the Indian Type Foundry.
Geist is a new font family created by Vercel in collaboration with Basement Studio. Geist Mono is a monospaced typeface, designed to be used in code editors, diagrams, terminals, and other text-based interfaces where code is rendered.
IconographyThe icons on this website are from Phosphor icons. Phosphor is a passion project by Helena Zhang and Tobias Fried.
TechstackThis website is built with Next.js. The styles are written in CSS modules. The blog posts are written in MDX.
HostingThis website is hosted on GitHub Pages.
AnimationsThe animations on this website are done using Framer Motion. Framer Motion is a production-ready motion library for React.
Syntax HighlightingThe syntax highlighting on this website is done using Shiki. Shiki is a beautiful syntax highlighter for code snippets.
Everything elseBuilt from scratch.