Typography | Satoshi is a modernist sans serif typeface. Its design combines typically grotesk-style letterforms, with some characters that are quite geometrically-designed. Satoshi was designed by Deni Anggara for the Indian Type Foundry. Geist is a new font family created by Vercel in collaboration with Basement Studio. Geist Mono is a monospaced typeface, designed to be used in code editors, diagrams, terminals, and other text-based interfaces where code is rendered. |
Iconography | The icons on this website are from Phosphor icons. Phosphor is a passion project by Helena Zhang and Tobias Fried. |
Techstack | This website is built with Next.js. The styles are written in CSS modules. The blog posts are written in MDX. |
Hosting | This website is hosted on GitHub Pages. |
Animations | The animations on this website are done using Framer Motion. Framer Motion is a production-ready motion library for React. |
Syntax Highlighting | The syntax highlighting on this website is done using Shiki. Shiki is a beautiful syntax highlighter for code snippets. |
Everything else | Built from scratch. |